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Ukrainian Conservative-Democratic Party “Strength and Honour” is the only party in Ukraine that is based on the ideology of authentic Ukrainian conservatism, the origins of which come from the practice of the Hetmanate of Pavlo Skoropadskyi (1918) and scientific research of Viacheslav Lypynskyi which were further developed in the national idea of Ukraine and the laws of democracy formulated by doctor of technical science Ihor Smeshko and protected by copyright 87693 dated 11.04.2019 (“Copyright and Related Rights”, Bulletin No. 53).


First law – the necessary conditions for building a true democracy in Ukraine are the emergence of a powerful middle class with a high level of income and political culture. This class should make up at least half of the country’s population. Ukraine has all the conditions for this: some of the richest natural resources in the world (worth tens of trillions of dollars) and one of the most educated and freedom-loving peoples in Europe. Our conservative party is the party of the middle class. It should include teachers, doctors, officers, military and civil servants, artists of culture and arts, lawyers, skilled workers, farmers, representatives of small and medium sized businesses, as well as majority pensioners.  It works to increase this class, support and protect it. This includes protecting traditional Christian and historical, national and cultural values of the Ukrainian people. With its inalienable right to freedom, private property, and protection of honour and dignity from any arbitrariness.

Second law – the maximum number of state functions should be delegated to local self-governmental bodies. Effective election, accountability and transparency of the authorities, as well as equality of citizens before the law, should be ensured through a genuine separation of the branches of power: legislative, executive and judicial. Ridding the political system of government of oligarchic and clan influence. Establishment of the rule of law in Ukraine with the law being equal for all. Where corruption should be equated with high treason.

Third law – political stability, professionalism, institutional memory, and sustainability of public authorities in Ukraine must be ensured by the existence of several parliamentary parties that are truly, ideologically democratic. Without the shadowy influence of oligarchic clans on them and with their consensus on the need to protect non-party professionals in public authorities from unlawful political influence from such clans. The illegal influence of which should be equated to political corruption and, therefore, to treason as well.



The key elements of achieving independence, democracy and peace for Ukraine are the revival and strengthening of its national economy, army, diplomacy and information policy.

With the main emphasis on the growth of the industrial and innovative component of the economy, as well as the priority of national material production. It should produce goods with maximum added value and ensure, among other things, maximum self-sufficiency of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine. At least, in the production of advanced models of weapons and military equipment which are traditional for Ukraine.

As the largest country in Europe by territory and as the biggest producer of agricultural goods that could feed 1 billion people, Ukraine must regain its place among the most advanced industrialized nations in the world. Once all the temporarily occupied territories are returned, its army must always be strong enough to deter any new aggression against Ukraine.


The success in restoring the capacity of the Ukrainian economy should become the engine for creating conditions to reduce the tax burden in Ukraine, for better social and economic security of its middle class, and for the flourishing of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. This will be the basis for the implementation of the National Idea of Ukraine, in which we believe in its three dimensions: spiritual, socio-economic and state-forming:

  1. GOD, FREEDOM, FAMILY and UKRAINE have always been and will remain the highest spiritual values of the UKRAINIAN PEOPLE,
  2. CULTURE, SCIENCE, LAND and PROPERTY, which are distributed between citizens and the state in the fair and balanced way, will forever feed UKRAINE,
  3. ELECTORALITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE, LAWFULNESS and ARMY will always protect the rights of Ukrainians to life, freedom and happiness, as well as defend the unity and independence of the UKRAINIAN STATE.

To achieve these strategic goals, the Party aims to become a parliamentary party in the next elections in Ukraine. Its representatives, armed with knowledge of the laws of democracy and the principles of conservatism, plan to participate in the government activities. By combining the forces of the parliament and the government, the Party plans to take an active part in reforming and building a democratic system of governance and eliminating systemic corruption in Ukraine.


Continuation of Ukraine’s foreign policy course toward its European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

This course is natural and historically determined for Ukraine. It corresponds to the geographical, historical, traditional, geopolitical, cultural and civilizational position of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They have always been and are now in Europe. Participation in European political, economic, defence and security initiatives such as the Three Seas Initiative or the Restored Entente. Development of a comprehensive and multilevel strategic partnership with the United States with the initiation of Ukraine’s status as a “major non-NATO strategic partner of the United States.”

However, the basis of Ukraine’s foreign policy, as an absolute priority, should always be the primary protection of its own national interests aimed at the development of a strong, self-sufficient, economically powerful and democratic Ukraine.


Two months before the beginning of Russia’s large-scale aggression in 2022, our Party proposed a peace plan that would save the world from the threat of slipping into World War III.

Its main ideas were published in “Ukrayinska Pravda” on December 29, 2021: “Without Ukraine’s security, there is no security for Europe” . The plan included a negotiable compromise between Ukraine, the West and Russia. If Ukraine reaffirmed its current neutral status, guaranteed not to deploy NATO troops and infrastructure on Ukrainian territory, and initiated a gradual lifting of sanctions, Russia would have to vacate all territories it occupied to the 1991 borders and agree to sign additional real security guarantees for Ukraine, in accordance with the Budapest Memorandum.

In turn, the West would have to strengthen Ukraine’s security guarantees in the form of an annex to the Budapest Memorandum, since the agreement failed in 2014 and 2022.

These could be new collective NATO guarantees to come to Ukraine’s aid in the event of a new aggression against it. The special approach to Ukraine is objectively conditioned by its enormous contribution to the liberation of Europe from fascism during World War II (more than 9 million dead Ukrainians) and unprecedented nuclear disarmament (destruction of the world’s third nuclear weapons arsenal and its delivery vehicles, which cost trillions of dollars).

NATO could provide Ukraine with security guarantees in accordance with Article 5 of the founding treaty and without Ukraine actually joining the Alliance. This is something Russia is currently opposed to. For its part, NATO could receive guarantees of participation in the defense of NATO countries in the event of aggression against them, from one of the most capable armies in Europe, the Ukrainian army.


Why do we consistently consider the Budapest Memorandum to be the cornerstone of ensuring Ukraine’s security through diplomacy?

Our conservative democratic Party has always demanded unconditional implementation of the Constitution, laws of Ukraine and the current norms of international law. We are opposed to violent actions, destruction of established historical traditions and “forceful solution” of any issues outside the law and norms of law. We oppose the destruction of the system of international law that was established after the end of the Second World War in 1945.

According to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 is a full-fledged and valid international treaty. According to the Constitution of Ukraine and the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as of July 6, 2010, No. 2431 “On Providing Ukraine with Real Security Guarantees”, it is the basis for ensuring the independence, state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine through diplomatic means.

The same Resolution is a law that has been binding on all presidents and governments of Ukraine since 2010. There are no other legislatively defined directives for them to ensure Ukraine’s security through diplomacy.


Failure to comply with the Budapest Memorandum means the end of the system of international law that emerged after the end of World War II. First of all, it destroys the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, which defines it as a valid and effective international treaty that deals with a crucial issue for the planet – nuclear disarmament and trust in its guarantors – the world’s most powerful nuclear states.

In the event of non-fulfilment of such an agreement, the Vienna Convention also becomes a simple “piece of paper”. Then, based on which other source of international law can any other international treaties be signed? And what guarantees are there for the implementation of new ones if the current international treaty on such a crucial issue for the planet ceases to be binding? Including the most authoritative and powerful states in the world. What is the point of signing any new treaties with Russia if it does not fulfil the existing ones it has signed?

Secondly, it means the destruction of the Helsinki Accords of 1975. By violating the Budapest Memorandum and Ukraine’s borders, Russia has launched a “domino effect” that could destroy all borders in Europe. The borders that were established after World War II and whose inviolability was confirmed in 1975 in Helsinki. In this regard, Ukraine’s failure to return to its legally recognised borders is also treating the Helsinki agreements as a “house of cards”. Which can now be destroyed by any country – simply because it has the power to do so.

Thirdly, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1968 (NPT) is destroyed. If the Budapest Memorandum is not fulfilled and real security guarantees are not provided to Ukraine, it has the right to withdraw from this treaty. For Ukraine, both treaties are interrelated (the full name of the Budapest Memorandum is the Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons). Ukraine’s withdrawal from this treaty would be its de facto death.

Then, no country in the world will ever exchange possession or the possibility of possessing nuclear weapons in return for any security guarantees and will not join this treaty…

The Party believes that Ukraine, with the blood of its best sons and daughters and some of the most professional soldiers in the world, has already proved its right to unconditional existence as an independent, committed to freedom and democracy, sovereign country. This right was won for Ukraine by the People and the Army of Ukraine.

Often, not thanks to, but in spite of the incompetent, borderline criminal, and systemic corruption of certain politicians in the country.

Now the people of Ukraine, together with sincere partners from democratic countries, are faced with the task of changing the quality of politicians and returning professionalism, responsibility and efficiency to Ukrainian governments. They must finally become worthy of the People and the Army and RETURN UKRAINE TO UKRAINIANS!



Colonel-General in Ukrainian Armed Forces; Doctor of Technical Science and Professor of System Analyses; Ukraine’s Laureate award recipient in Science and Technology, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine; President of the NGO “Center for Strategic Studies and Analysis”.

Positions Held: Professor at the Kyiv Army Air Defence Academy; Executive Secretary of the Expert Scientific Committee of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence (MOD); Defence Attaché to the USA; Chairman of the Ukraine’s Joint Intelligence Committee, Chairman of MOD’s Main Intelligence Directorate; Defence Attaché to Switzerland; Permanent Ukrainian MOD’s Representative to International Organizations in Geneva; Chairman of the Military-Technical Cooperation Policy Committee; Chairman of Ukraine’s Security Service; Acting Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council.

More detailed:

  1. “Ihor Smeshko: The man in the iron mask” by George Woloshyn, “KyivPost”, Jan. 15, 2010.

Article is available at: https://archive.kyivpost.com/article/opinion/op-ed/ihor-smeshko-the-man-in-the-iron-mask-57090.html

  1. “How Top Spies in Ukraine Changed the Nation”s Path” by C.J. Chivers, “New York Times”, Jan. 17, 2005.

Article is available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/17/world/europe/how-top-spies-in-ukraine-changed-the-nations-path.html

  1. “Essays on the history of Ukraine” by Ihor Smeshko, September 30, 2023.

Book is available at: https://www.amazon.com/Essays-history-Ukraine-Ihor-Smeshko-ebook/dp/B0CK76TTY3?ref_=ast_author_mpb

Sen. Mitch McConnell convened an April 21, 1998 hearing by the Subcommittee on Foreign Operations of the Senate Appropriations Committee to focus on international crime programs. Testifying before the subcommittee were FBI Director Louis Freeh and Gen. Ihor Smeshko, director for strategic planning and analysis on the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. (Gen. Smeshko was Ukraine’s first military attaché in Washington.) The hearing focused on the Russian mafia operating throughout the new independent states and in the U.S.

In comments about Ukraine, Director Freeh said, “Gen. Smeshko and his agency are one of the several organizations in Ukraine that are direct beneficiaries of the training and institution-building programs that are the focus of this hearing … Their presence here today stands as a testimony to the commitment by the government of Ukraine to develop modern law enforcement agencies that are based upon the rule of law.”

April 21, 1998, Washington, DC, USA, FBI headquarters. Louis Joseph

Freeh (Director of the FBI from September 1993 to September 2001) and Ihor Smeshko



In the first round of the 2019 presidential election, General Ihor Smeshko demonstrated an unexpectedly high result of 6.04% of the vote, with virtually no access to media and no initial campaign budget. His entire budget, collected from donations from ordinary citizens, was less than 1 million dollars.

According to Western research centres and embassies in Kyiv, Smeshko became the leader of the election in terms of the ratio of the vote price to the money invested: more than one million voters supported him.

According to the results of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) poll, as of January 2022, Ihor Smeshko, with a positive trend of increasing his rating, ranked fourth in the presidential rating (9.6%).



(Last data before the full-scale invasion in 2022: more than 3,000 registered Party members, about 600 local government deputies and about 2 million supporters according to the last conducted social surveys in 2021).

As of January 2022, the Party had the highest rating among non-parliamentary parties (7.4%) and was guaranteed to enter the parliament in the event of the next election.

In the 2019 elections, it also gained more than 5%, which was confirmed by opinion polls, but failed to protect its votes in the Central Election Commission of Ukraine. The Party is the main threat to the country’s existing oligarchic clans and corrupt officials in power. They are afraid of the large number of veteran former army officers and honest law enforcement officers in its ranks, as well as the high support from the country’s intelligentsia.

After the imposition of martial law in Ukraine, restriction of freedom of speech and political activity, sociological surveys deliberately excluded Party from opinion polls.


Prior to the full-scale invasion in February 2022, the poll results showed that the greatest readiness to resist the aggressor was among the voters of the “Strength and Honour” Party. According to the data, 73.9% of “Strength and Honour” supporters declared their readiness to defend Ukraine, including 52.1% with weapons. This is the highest figure among all political parties, which once again confirms the determination and patriotism of the members of this political force.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, most of the Party’s assets went to the front or joined the defence of the state. Among the almost 600 deputies in local self-governmental bodies, the Party already has many fallen soldiers in its ranks. Some of them became Heroes of Ukraine…

Okhtyrka’s mayor Pavlo Kuzmenko honoured our Party by participating in the organization of the defence of heroic city Okhtyrka in Sumy region.

In the first days of the war, on 25 February 2022, Oleksandr Oksanchenko, a Hero of Ukraine, a patriot of Ukraine, one of the world’s best fighter pilots, and a deputy of the Myrhorod City Council from the “Strength and Honour” Political Party, died in an air battle while distracting the enemy aircraft of the Russian aggressor.

Marine Ivan Funtovyi died on August 19, 2022, while performing a combat mission near the village of Lozove, Kherson region.

In honour of these Heroes, memorial plaques have been erected in their hometowns, and postage stamps commemorating Colonel Oksanchenko’s heroism are printed even in Africa and Latin America…


Ukraine, 01024, Kyiv city, Shovkovychna St., building 30B, office 17

Tel: +38 (093) 640-57-07

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Official website of the Party: https://sylaichest.org/

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